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An NQO1 dependent ROS and RIP1/RIP3 mediated necroptosis induced in glioma cancer cells by a natural product, 2-Methoxy-6-acetyl-7-methyljuglone (MAM) Conference paper
Yu, J., Li, Z.W., Hou, Y., Yuan, R.Y.K., Lu, J., Chen, X. P.. An NQO1 dependent ROS and RIP1/RIP3 mediated necroptosis induced in glioma cancer cells by a natural product, 2-Methoxy-6-acetyl-7-methyljuglone (MAM)[C], 2017.
Authors:  Yu, J.;  Li, Z.W.;  Hou, Y.;  Yuan, R.Y.K.;  Lu, J.; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/26
MAM  necroptosis  NQO1  ROS  RIP1/RIP3