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Identification of repressor element 1 in secretin/PACAP/VIP genes Conference paper
Lee, LTO, Lee, VHY, Yuan, PY, Chow, BKC. Identification of repressor element 1 in secretin/PACAP/VIP genes[C]. Vaudry, H; Laburthe, M, USA:WILEY-BLACKWELL, COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN STREET, MALDEN 02148, MA USA, 2006, 388-392.
Authors:  Lee, LTO;  Lee, VHY;  Yuan, PY;  Chow, BKC
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:5 | Submit date:2019/01/28
Repressor Element 1  Secretin/pacap/vip Peptide Family  Transcriptional Regulation