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Parameter estimation of fractional-order system with improved Archimedes optimization algorithm Journal article
Chen, Yinbin, Yang, Renhuan, Yang, Xiuzeng, Yang, Renyu, Huang, Qidong, Chen, Guilian, Zhang, Ling, Wei, Mengyu, Zhou, Yongqiang. Parameter estimation of fractional-order system with improved Archimedes optimization algorithm[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2024.
Authors:  Chen, Yinbin;  Yang, Renhuan;  Yang, Xiuzeng;  Yang, Renyu;  Huang, Qidong; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:1.5/1.2 | Submit date:2024/09/03
Fractional-order System  Improved Archimedes Optimization Algorithm  Intelligent Optimization Algorithm  Parameter Estimation