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Cytosolic calcium mediates RIP1/RIP3 complex-dependent necroptosis through JNK activation and mitochondrial ROS production in human colon cancer cells. Journal article
Sun, W, Wu, XX, Gao, HW, Yu, J, Zhao, WW, Lu, J., Wang, JH, Du, GH, Chen, X. P.. Cytosolic calcium mediates RIP1/RIP3 complex-dependent necroptosis through JNK activation and mitochondrial ROS production in human colon cancer cells.[J]. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 2017, 433-444.
Authors:  Sun, W;  Wu, XX;  Gao, HW;  Yu, J;  Zhao, WW; et al.
Favorite |   IF:7.1/7.9 | Submit date:2022/03/31
Necroptosis  C-jun N-terminal Kinase  Calcium  
Antipsychotic polypharmacy in schizophrenia patients in China and its association with treatment satisfaction and quality of life: findings of the third national survey on use of psychotropic medicati Journal article
Li, Q, Xiang, YT, Su, YA, Shu, L, Yu, X, Chiu, HFK, Correll, CU, Ungvari, GS, Lai, KYC, Ma, C, Wang, GH, Bai, PS, Li, T, Sun, LZ, Shi, JG, Chen, XS, Mei, QY, Li, KQ, Si, TM. Antipsychotic polypharmacy in schizophrenia patients in China and its association with treatment satisfaction and quality of life: findings of the third national survey on use of psychotropic medicati[J]. AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 2015, 49(2), 129-136.
Authors:  Li, Q;  Xiang, YT;  Su, YA;  Shu, L;  Yu, X; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:37 TC[Scopus]:40  IF:4.0/4.9 | Submit date:2019/01/09
Antipsychotic Polypharmacy  Schizophrenia  Prescription Patterns  
Combined in vivo imaging and omics approaches reveal metabolism of icaritin and its glycosides in zebrafish larvae Journal article
Li, ZH (Li, Zhen Hua), Alex, D (Alex, Deepa), Siu, SO (Siu, Shiu On), Chu, IK (Chu, Ivan Keung), Renn, J (Renn, Joerg), Winkler, C (Winkler, Christoph), Lou, S (Lou, Shaoke), Tsui, SKW (Tsui, Stephen Kwok-Wing), Zhao, HY (Zhao, Hai Yu), Yan, WR (Yan, Wendy Ru), Mahady, GB (Mahady, Gail B.), Li, GH (Li, Guo Hui), Kwan, YW (Kwan, Yiu Wa), Wang, YT (Wang, Yi Tao), Lee, SMY (Lee, Simon Ming-Yuen). Combined in vivo imaging and omics approaches reveal metabolism of icaritin and its glycosides in zebrafish larvae[J]. MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS, 2011, 7(7), 2128-2138.
Authors:  Li, ZH (Li, Zhen Hua);  Alex, D (Alex, Deepa);  Siu, SO (Siu, Shiu On);  Chu, IK (Chu, Ivan Keung);  Renn, J (Renn, Joerg); et al.
View | Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:43 TC[Scopus]:53  IF:3.336/2.986 | Submit date:2018/11/01
Animal-models  Flavonoids  Quercetin  Bone  Fluorescence  Absorption  Proteome  Swim  
A rapid method for simultaneous determination of 14 phenolic compounds in Radix Puerariae using microwave-assisted extraction and ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array Journal article
Du, G, Zhao, HY, Zhang, QW, Li, GH, Yang, FQ, Wang, Y, Li, YC, Wang, YT. A rapid method for simultaneous determination of 14 phenolic compounds in Radix Puerariae using microwave-assisted extraction and ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array[J]. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, 2010, 1217(5), 705-714.
Authors:  Du, G;  Zhao, HY;  Zhang, QW;  Li, GH;  Yang, FQ; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:96 TC[Scopus]:105  IF:3.8/3.5 | Submit date:2018/11/01
Microwave-assisted Extraction  Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography  Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry  Central Composite Design  Radix Puerariae  
Three dimensional quantitative structure activity relationship of a new type of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors Journal article
Liu, AL, Guang, HM, Zhu, LY, Du, GH, Wang, YT. Three dimensional quantitative structure activity relationship of a new type of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors[J]. ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA, 2006, 27(249-249).
Authors:  Liu, AL;  Guang, HM;  Zhu, LY;  Du, GH;  Wang, YT
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2   IF:6.9/7.6 | Submit date:2020/03/31
Phenyl Pentenone Derivatives  Acetylcholinesterase(Ache)  Comparative Molecular Field Analysis (Comfa)