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Examining Instructors' Adaptive Equity-Oriented Pedagogical Competency: A Validated Measure that Promotes College Students' Success Conference paper
Phuong, Andrew Estrada, Nguyen, Judy, Hunn, Christopher T., Vo, Jimmy, Mejia, Fabrizio D., Huang, Fan. Examining Instructors' Adaptive Equity-Oriented Pedagogical Competency: A Validated Measure that Promotes College Students' Success[C]. Chinn C., Tan E., Chan C., Kali Y.:International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2022, 1645-1648.
Authors:  Phuong, Andrew Estrada;  Nguyen, Judy;  Hunn, Christopher T.;  Vo, Jimmy;  Mejia, Fabrizio D.; et al.
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