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Identification of the major chemical constituents and their metabolites in rat plasma and various organs after oral administration of effective Erxian Decoction (EXD) fraction by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry Journal article
Hu Y.M., Wang Y.T., Sze S.C.W., Tsang K.W., Wong H.K., Liu Q., Zhong L.D., Tong Y.. Identification of the major chemical constituents and their metabolites in rat plasma and various organs after oral administration of effective Erxian Decoction (EXD) fraction by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry[J]. Biomedical Chromatography, 2010, 24(5), 479.
Authors:  Hu Y.M.;  Wang Y.T.;  Sze S.C.W.;  Tsang K.W.;  Wong H.K.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:16 TC[Scopus]:20  IF:1.8/1.8 | Submit date:2018/10/31
Erxian Decoction (Exd)  Lc-dad-esi-ms  Menopausal Syndromes  Metabolites  Pharmacokinetic Study  Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions (Tcmp)