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香港餐飲店名的語言文化探析An analysis of the language and culture of restaurant names in Hong Kong Conference proceedings
Authors:  NG H.C.;  Yeung Siu Kwai
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澳門大學最近十多年經學課程設置介紹An introduction to the Chinese Classics courses offered by the University of Macau in the past ten year Conference proceedings
Authors:  YEUNG SIU KWAI;  MA Huilin
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Introduction to the Study of Laozi, Zhuangzi and Liezi during 1911-1949 in China Journal article
YANG Jiahong, Yeung Siu Kwai. Introduction to the Study of Laozi, Zhuangzi and Liezi during 1911-1949 in China[J]. Global Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2024, 13(4), 1-3.
Authors:  YANG Jiahong;  Yeung Siu Kwai
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Laozi老子, Zhuangzi庄子, And Liezi列子, 1911-1949, China, Taoism  
秦代儒家研究――以《史記》為研究中心Research on Confucianism in the Qin Dynasty—taking Shiji as the research center Conference proceedings
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中外互動背景下的哪吒形象演變――兼論澳門哪吒形象The evolution of Nezha’s image in the context of interaction between China and foreign countries - also on the image of Nezha in Macau Conference proceedings
Authors:  YEUNG SIU KWAI;  PUN Sut Fei;  YANG Jiahong
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小學中文閱讀教、學策略Teaching and learning strategies for Chinese reading in primary schools Presentation
报告日期: 2023-11-01
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錢穆先生道教研究初探A Preliminary Study on Mr. Qian Mu’s Taoist Research Conference paper
YEUNG SIU KWAI, YANG Jiahong, ZHAO Y.Y.. 錢穆先生道教研究初探A Preliminary Study on Mr. Qian Mu’s Taoist Research[C], 2023.
Authors:  YEUNG SIU KWAI;  YANG Jiahong;  ZHAO Y.Y.
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先秦禘禮演變研究Research on the Evolution of Di Sacrifice rite in Pre-Qin Period Conference proceedings
Authors:  YEUNG SIU KWAI;  NG H.C.;  Chao Cai
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哪吒形象的歷史演變The historical evolution of Nezha’s image Conference proceedings
澳門大學E34, 2023年8月23日
Authors:  Chen Zhenwei;  Yeung Siu Kwai
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錢穆先生與蒙文通先生交遊略論Mr. Qian Mu and Mr. Meng Wentong’s friendship Presentation
会议地点: 線上, 会议日期: 2023-07-02, 报告日期: 2023-07-02
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