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Drug safety perception in China: the role of media exposure and past healthcare experience. Conference proceedings
Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK, 2022, Sept. 5-9
Authors:  Lu, QF;  Schulz, P. J.;  Chang, A.;  Yu, G. M.;  Yang, Y.
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Drug Safety  
Social capital and health information-seeking behavior in China: The effect of bonding and bridging social capital Conference paper
Lu, Q. F.,, Schulz, P. J., Yang, Y, Chang, Angela, Yu, G.,, Yang, Y.. Social capital and health information-seeking behavior in China: The effect of bonding and bridging social capital[C], 2022.
Authors:  Lu, Q. F.,;  Schulz, P. J., Yang, Y;  Chang, Angela;  Yu, G.,;  Yang, Y.
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Social Capital, Social Support, Health Information Seeking