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FMRI in Cognitive Translation Studies Presentation
会议地点: 7th International Conference on Cognitive Research on Translation and Interpreting (ICCRTI), Wuhan, China, 报告日期: 2021-09-13
Authors:  Leong, T. I.;  Lei, V. L. C.;  Li, D.;  Ruey-Song, H.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/09/05
Executive Functions in Translation/Interpreting Process: Seeking Neurocognitive Evidence for Bilingual Advantages Presentation
会议地点: 7th International Conference on Cognitive Research on Translation and Interpreting (ICCRTI), Wuhan, China, 报告日期: 2021-06-11
Authors:  Li, D.;  Lei, L. C.;  Ruey-Song, H.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/09/05