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Internet-based eHealth technology for emotional well-being among the older adults with a family cancer history: full mediation effects of health information self-efficacy and cancer fatalism Journal article
Lai, Yuyuan Kylie, Ye, Jizhou Francis, Ran, Qiawen, Ao, Harris Song. Internet-based eHealth technology for emotional well-being among the older adults with a family cancer history: full mediation effects of health information self-efficacy and cancer fatalism[J]. BMC Psychology, 2024, 12(1), 232.
Authors:  Lai, Yuyuan Kylie;  Ye, Jizhou Francis;  Ran, Qiawen;  Ao, Harris Song
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Cancer Fatalism  Ehealth  Emotional Well-being  Family Cancer History  Health Information Self-efficacy