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Simultaneous targeting of NPC1 and VDAC1 by itraconazole leads to synergistic inhibition of MTOR signaling and angiogenesis Journal article
Head S.A., Shi W.Q., Yang E.J., Nacev B.A., Hong S.Y., Pasunooti K.K., Li R.-J., Shim J.S., Liu J.O.. Simultaneous targeting of NPC1 and VDAC1 by itraconazole leads to synergistic inhibition of MTOR signaling and angiogenesis[J]. ACS Chemical Biology, 2017, 12(1), 174.
Authors:  Head S.A.;  Shi W.Q.;  Yang E.J.;  Nacev B.A.;  Hong S.Y.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:65 TC[Scopus]:66 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Divergence of antiangiogenic activity and hepatotoxicity of different stereoisomers of itraconazole Journal article
Shim J.S., Li R.-J., Bumpus N.N., Head S.A., Pasunooti K.K., Yang E.J., Lv J., Shi W., Liu J.O.. Divergence of antiangiogenic activity and hepatotoxicity of different stereoisomers of itraconazole[J]. Clinical Cancer Research, 2016, 22(11), 2709-2720.
Authors:  Shim J.S.;  Li R.-J.;  Bumpus N.N.;  Head S.A.;  Pasunooti K.K.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:12 TC[Scopus]:12 | Submit date:2019/01/15