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Synthesis and crystal structure of a novel cobalt(II) coordination polymer with molecular ladder structure Journal article
Wu, JY, Pan, YL, Zhang, XJ, Zhang, ML, Tian, YP, Fun, HK. Synthesis and crystal structure of a novel cobalt(II) coordination polymer with molecular ladder structure[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2003, 19(12), 1347-1350.
Authors:  Wu, JY;  Pan, YL;  Zhang, XJ;  Zhang, ML;  Tian, YP; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2   IF:0.8/0.5 | Submit date:2019/01/21
Cobalt Complex  4 ' 4-bipyridyl  N-carbazolyacetic Acid  Molecular Ladder