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Soralidin induced reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent DNA damage and protective autophagy mediated by NOX4 in breast cancer cells. Journal article
Ren, GW, Luo, WW, Sun, W, Niu, YN, Ma, DL, Leung, C. H., Wang, Y. T., Lu, J., Chen, X. P.. Soralidin induced reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent DNA damage and protective autophagy mediated by NOX4 in breast cancer cells.[J]. Phytomedicine, 2016, 939-947.
Authors:  Ren, GW;  Luo, WW;  Sun, W;  Niu, YN;  Ma, DL; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:45   IF:6.7/6.2 | Submit date:2022/03/31
Autophagy  Dna Damage  Nox4  Psoralidin  Ros