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Novel Molecular Doping Mechanism for n-Doping of SnO 2 via Triphenylphosphine Oxide and Its Effect on Perovskite Solar Cells Journal article
Tu B., Shao Y., Chen W., Wu Y., Li X., He Y., Li J., Liu F., Zhang Z., Lin Y., Lan X., Xu L., Shi X., Ng A.M.C., Li H., Chung L.W., Djurisic A.B., He Z.. Novel Molecular Doping Mechanism for n-Doping of SnO 2 via Triphenylphosphine Oxide and Its Effect on Perovskite Solar Cells[J]. Advanced Materials, 2019, 31(15).
Authors:  Tu B.;  Shao Y.;  Chen W.;  Wu Y.;  Li X.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:159 TC[Scopus]:163 | Submit date:2019/04/08
Delocalized Electrons  Molecular Doping  N-type  Perovskite Solar Cells  Sno2