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Effectiveness of a WHO self-help psychological intervention to alleviate stress among healthcare workers in the context of COVID-19 in China: a randomised controlled trial Journal article
Li, Jinghua, Luo, Rui, Guo, Pengyue, Zhang, Dexing, Mo, Phoenix K.H., Wu, Anise M.S., Xin, Meiqi, Shang, Menglin, Cai, Yuqi, Wang, Xu, Chen, Mingyu, He, Yiling, Zheng, Luxin, Huang, Jinying, Xu, Roman Dong, Lau, Joseph T.F., Gu, Jing, Hall, Brian J.. Effectiveness of a WHO self-help psychological intervention to alleviate stress among healthcare workers in the context of COVID-19 in China: a randomised controlled trial[J]. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 2024, 33, e11.
Authors:  Li, Jinghua;  Luo, Rui;  Guo, Pengyue;  Zhang, Dexing;  Mo, Phoenix K.H.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:5.9/7.3 | Submit date:2024/04/02
Covid-19  Healthcare Workers  Mental Health  Randomised Controlled Trials  Self-help  
BRCA1 Insufficiency Induces a Hypersialylated Acidic Tumor Microenvironment That Promotes Metastasis and Immunotherapy Resistance Journal article
Xiaodong Shu, Jianjie Li, Un In Chan, Sek Man Su, Changxiang Shi, Xin Zhang, Tingting An, Jun Xu, Lihua Mo, Jianlin Liu, Yuqing Wang, Xiaoling Li, Min Deng, Josh Haipeng Lei, Chunfei Wang, Hao Tian, Sun Heng, Joong Sup Shim, Xuanjun Zhang, Yunlu Dai, Zhicheng Yao, Xiaying Kuang, Ying Lin, Chu-Xia Deng, Xiaoling Xu. BRCA1 Insufficiency Induces a Hypersialylated Acidic Tumor Microenvironment That Promotes Metastasis and Immunotherapy Resistance[J]. CANCER RESEARCH, 2023, 83(15), 2614-2633.
Authors:  Xiaodong Shu;  Jianjie Li;  Un In Chan;  Sek Man Su;  Changxiang Shi; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:12.5/11.6 | Submit date:2023/08/30
Integrated Strain Sensors with Stretchable Vertical Graphene Networks for Non-invasive Physiological Assessment Journal article
Yang, C., Shen, Z., Yao, C., Huang, S., Huang, X., Mo, J., Yang, C., Chen, M., Chen, H., Hang, T., Xie, X., Liu, F.. Integrated Strain Sensors with Stretchable Vertical Graphene Networks for Non-invasive Physiological Assessment[J]. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2022, 964-973.
Authors:  Yang, C.;  Shen, Z.;  Yao, C.;  Huang, S.;  Huang, X.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:11  IF:4.3/4.4 | Submit date:2022/08/29
Integrated Bioelectronics  Flexible Piezoresistive Sensors  Vertical Graphene Nanowalls  Pulse Wave  Respiration Rate  Cardiovascular Disease Prediction  
新冠疫情下服務業領導責任心如何影響焦慮員工的心態?來自澳門的實證研究 Journal article
Mo, Z., Xue, J., Liu, T. C., Chen, Y.. 新冠疫情下服務業領導責任心如何影響焦慮員工的心態?來自澳門的實證研究[J]. Journal of Macau Studies 澳門研究, 2021, 49-66.
Authors:  Mo, Z.;  Xue, J.;  Liu, T. C.;  Chen, Y.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/06/08
澳門  服務業  多層次中介  領導責任心  忙碌心態  
A Co(II)-Zn(II) heterometallic dinuclear complex with enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity for CO2-to-CO conversion in a water-containing system Journal article
Liu, D., Zhang, M., Qin, F., Su, C., Mo, A., Wang, J., Qi, Z., Zhang, X., Jiang, L., Chen, Z.. A Co(II)-Zn(II) heterometallic dinuclear complex with enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity for CO2-to-CO conversion in a water-containing system[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9(28), 9273-9281.
Authors:  Liu, D.;  Zhang, M.;  Qin, F.;  Su, C.;  Mo, A.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:24 TC[Scopus]:26  IF:7.1/7.9 | Submit date:2022/08/07
Photocatalytic Co2 Reduction  Homogeneous  Heterometallic Dinuclear Complex  Synergistic Catalysis  Highly Efficient  
Intentions to seek mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic among Chinese pregnant women with probable depression or anxiety: Cross-sectional, web-based survey study Journal article
Wang, Q., Song, B., Di, J., Yang, X., Wu, A. M. S., Lau, J. T. F., Xin, M., Wang, L., Mo, P. K. H.. Intentions to seek mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic among Chinese pregnant women with probable depression or anxiety: Cross-sectional, web-based survey study[J]. JMIR Mental Health, 2021, 8(2).
Authors:  Wang, Q.;  Song, B.;  Di, J.;  Yang, X.;  Wu, A. M. S.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:15 TC[Scopus]:17  IF:4.8/5.1 | Submit date:2021/12/07
Anxiety  Covid-19  Depression  Help-seeking  Intention  Mental Health  Mental Health Services  Pregnancy  Pregnant Women  Social Support  Survey  Trust  
Bidirectional predictions between Internet addiction and probable depression among Chinese adolescents Journal article
Lau, J. T. F., Walden, D. L., Wu, A. M. S., Cheng, K. M., Lau, M. C. M., Mo, P. K. H.. Bidirectional predictions between Internet addiction and probable depression among Chinese adolescents[J]. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2018, 7(3), 633-643.
Authors:  Lau, J. T. F.;  Walden, D. L.;  Wu, A. M. S.;  Cheng, K. M.;  Lau, M. C. M.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:62 TC[Scopus]:76  IF:6.6/7.3 | Submit date:2019/06/25
Adolescents  Chinese  Depression  Internet Addiction  Longitudinal Study  
Relationships Between Illness Perception and Post-traumatic Growth Among Newly Diagnosed HIV-Positive Men Who have Sex with Men in China Journal article
Lau, J. T. F., Wu, X., Wu, A. M. S., Wang, Z., Mo, P. K. H.. Relationships Between Illness Perception and Post-traumatic Growth Among Newly Diagnosed HIV-Positive Men Who have Sex with Men in China[J]. AIDS AND BEHAVIOR, 2018, 22(6), 1885-1898.
Authors:  Lau, J. T. F.;  Wu, X.;  Wu, A. M. S.;  Wang, Z.;  Mo, P. K. H.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:16 TC[Scopus]:21  IF:2.7/3.3 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Post-traumatic Growth  Illness Perception  Common Sense Model  Men Who Have Sex With Men  Hiv-positive  
Psychological distress and resilience as risk and protective factors of psychoactive substance use among Chinese nonengaged youth Journal article
Wu, A. M. S., Lau, J. T. F., Mo, P. K. H., Lau, M. M. C.. Psychological distress and resilience as risk and protective factors of psychoactive substance use among Chinese nonengaged youth[J]. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 2018, 28(2), 49-64.
Authors:  Wu, A. M. S.;  Lau, J. T. F.;  Mo, P. K. H.;  Lau, M. M. C.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:2.7/2.5 | Submit date:2019/07/09
Dropout  Psychological Distress  Resilience  Substance Use  Unemployment  
The Occupy Central (Umbrella) movement and mental health distress in the Hong Kong general public: political movements and concerns as potential structural risk factors of population mental health Journal article
Lau, J. T. F., Kim, Y., Wu, A. M. S., Wang, Z., Huang, B., Mo, P. K. H.. The Occupy Central (Umbrella) movement and mental health distress in the Hong Kong general public: political movements and concerns as potential structural risk factors of population mental health[J]. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2017, 52(5), 525-536.
Authors:  Lau, J. T. F.;  Kim, Y.;  Wu, A. M. S.;  Wang, Z.;  Huang, B.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:54 TC[Scopus]:40  IF:3.6/4.5 | Submit date:2019/07/09
Chinese  Depression  Mental Health  Political Movement  Public Health