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Adults prenatally exposed to the Dutch Famine exhibit a metabolic signature associated with a broad spectrum of common diseases Journal article
Taeubert, M. Jazmin, Kuipers, Thomas B., Zhou, Jiayi, Li, Chihua, Wang, Shuang, Wang, Tian, Tobi, Elmar W., Belsky, Daniel W., Lumey L.H., Heijmans, Bastiaan T.. Adults prenatally exposed to the Dutch Famine exhibit a metabolic signature associated with a broad spectrum of common diseases[J]. BMC Medicine, 2024, 22(1), 309.
Authors:  Taeubert, M. Jazmin;  Kuipers, Thomas B.;  Zhou, Jiayi;  Li, Chihua;  Wang, Shuang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:7.0/8.7 | Submit date:2024/09/19
Cardiovascular Disease Risk  Disease Association  Famine  Metabolomics  Prenatal Adversity  Type 2 Diabetes