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Joint sparse matrix regression and nonnegative spectral analysis for two-dimensional unsupervised feature selection Journal article
Yuan H., Li J., Lai L.L., Tang Y.Y.. Joint sparse matrix regression and nonnegative spectral analysis for two-dimensional unsupervised feature selection[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2019, 89, 119-133.
Authors:  Yuan H.;  Li J.;  Lai L.L.;  Tang Y.Y.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:29 TC[Scopus]:33 | Submit date:2019/02/11
Nonnegative Spectral Analysis  Sparse Matrix Regression  Two-dimensional Feature Selection  Unsupervised Learning  
Micro-cavity laser of dye moleceles loaded in AIPO4-5 crystals Conference paper
Li L.L., Tang Z.K., Ge W.K., Xiao X.D., Ruan S.C.. Micro-cavity laser of dye moleceles loaded in AIPO4-5 crystals[C], 2005.
Authors:  Li L.L.;  Tang Z.K.;  Ge W.K.;  Xiao X.D.;  Ruan S.C.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2019/04/08
Dye Molecules  Micro-cavity  Polarization  Zeolite