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Selective and sensitive determination of bis(7)-tacrine, a high erythrocyte binding acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, in rat plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry Journal article
Li, Z, Hu, Y, Ming, LW, Chun, CM, Ping, PY, Ge, L, Tao, WY, Zhong, Z, Fan, HY. Selective and sensitive determination of bis(7)-tacrine, a high erythrocyte binding acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, in rat plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry[J]. BIOMEDICAL CHROMATOGRAPHY, 2008, 22(4), 414-420.
Authors:  Li, Z;  Hu, Y;  Ming, LW;  Chun, CM;  Ping, PY; et al.
View | Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:1.8/1.8 | Submit date:2018/11/01
Bis(7)-tacrine  Alzheimer's Disease  Lc-ms-ms  Rat Plasma  
Identification of repressor element 1 in secretin/PACAP/VIP genes Conference paper
Lee, LTO, Lee, VHY, Yuan, PY, Chow, BKC. Identification of repressor element 1 in secretin/PACAP/VIP genes[C]. Vaudry, H; Laburthe, M, USA:WILEY-BLACKWELL, COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN STREET, MALDEN 02148, MA USA, 2006, 388-392.
Authors:  Lee, LTO;  Lee, VHY;  Yuan, PY;  Chow, BKC
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:5 | Submit date:2019/01/28
Repressor Element 1  Secretin/pacap/vip Peptide Family  Transcriptional Regulation  
小鼠B7-1转基因肿瘤疫苗的制备及其评估 Journal article
Wang, J, , Liu, XG, , He, C. W., , Li, PY, , Liu, JJ. 小鼠B7-1转基因肿瘤疫苗的制备及其评估[J]. 广东医学院学报, 2005, 498-512.
Authors:  Wang, J, ;  Liu, XG, ;  He, C. W., ;  Li, PY, ;  Liu, JJ
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/07/28
B721 gene  murine  bladder tumor  tumor vaccine