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Culture, psychological proximity to the past and future, and self-continuity Journal article
Ji, LJ, Hong, EK, Guo, Tieyuan, Zhang, ZY, Su, YJ, Li, Y. Culture, psychological proximity to the past and future, and self-continuity[J]. European Journal of Social Psychology, 2019, 49(4), 735-747.
Authors:  Ji, LJ;  Hong, EK;  Guo, Tieyuan;  Zhang, ZY;  Su, YJ; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:24 TC[Scopus]:24 | Submit date:2022/08/29
Culture  Temporal Distance  Past  Future  Self-continuity  
Structure and function of cross-class complexes of G protein- coupled secretin and angiotensin 1a receptors Journal article
Harikumar, K, Augustine, ML, Chow, BK, Lee, T. O., Miller, LJ. Structure and function of cross-class complexes of G protein- coupled secretin and angiotensin 1a receptors[J]. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016, 0-0.
Authors:  Harikumar, K;  Augustine, ML;  Chow, BK;  Lee, T. O.;  Miller, LJ
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/05/04
secretin receptor  G-protein coupled receptor  dimerization  
Voluntary and involuntary psychiatric admissions in China Journal article
Zhou, JS, Xiang, YT, Zhu, XM, Liang, WY, Li, HE, Yi, JL, Liu, F, Zhao, N, Chen, G, Shi, SL, Li, GP, Shen, DL, Wei, N, Qi, F, Tan, W, Ungvari, GS, Ng, CH, Hao, W, Li, LJ, Wang, XP. Voluntary and involuntary psychiatric admissions in China[J]. Psychiatr Serv, 2015, 66(12), 1341-1346.
Authors:  Zhou, JS;  Xiang, YT;  Zhu, XM;  Liang, WY;  Li, HE; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:29 TC[Scopus]:29  IF:3.3/3.7 | Submit date:2019/01/07
Republic-of-china  Mental-health  Compulsory Admission  Hospital Admission  European-union  Service  Schizophrenia  Commitment  Challenges  Inpatients  
Cultural differences in attention to the future Conference paper
Guo, T.Y., Ji, LJ, Li, L.. Cultural differences in attention to the future[C], Las Vegas:SPSP Conference, 2010.
Authors:  Guo, T.Y.;  Ji, LJ;  Li, L.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/29