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Expression of Programmed Cell Death-Ligands in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Correlation With Immune Microenvironment and Survival Outcomes Journal article
Haotian Liao, Wen Chen, Yunlu Dai, Joseph J. Richardson, Junling Guo, Kefei Yuan, Yong Zeng, Kunlin Xie. Expression of Programmed Cell Death-Ligands in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Correlation With Immune Microenvironment and Survival Outcomes[J]. FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY, 2019, 9.
Authors:  Haotian Liao;  Wen Chen;  Yunlu Dai;  Joseph J. Richardson;  Junling Guo; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:33 TC[Scopus]:34  IF:3.5/4.0 | Submit date:2020/05/12
Programmed Cell Death-ligands  Macrophage  Tumor Immune Stroma  Tumor Microenvironment  Antipd-1 Axis Therapy  Hepatocellular Carcinoma