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Gold nanorods as photothermal agents and autofluorescence enhancer to track cell death during plasmonic photothermal therapy Conference paper
Kannadorai R.K., Chiew G.G.Y., Luo K.Q., Liu Q.. Gold nanorods as photothermal agents and autofluorescence enhancer to track cell death during plasmonic photothermal therapy[C], 2015.
Authors:  Kannadorai R.K.;  Chiew G.G.Y.;  Luo K.Q.;  Liu Q.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2018/12/18
Autofluorescence  Cell Viability  Fluorescence Enhancement  Gold Nanorods  Hyperthermia  Photothermal Therapy