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Anisotropic large magnetoresistance and Fermi surface topology of terbium monoantimonide Journal article
F. Tang, X. Shen, J. Zhou, S. Cong, L. Zhang, W. Zhou, Z. D. Han, B. Qian, X. F. Jiang, R. K. Zheng, W. Zhao, X. C. Kan, J. Tang, Y. Y. Han, X. Q. Yin, Y. Fang, S. Ju. Anisotropic large magnetoresistance and Fermi surface topology of terbium monoantimonide[J]. Materials Today Physics, 2022, 24, 100657.
Authors:  F. Tang;  X. Shen;  J. Zhou;  S. Cong;  L. Zhang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:10.0/9.8 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Angular Magnetoresistance  Antiferromagnetic  Magnetic Anisotropy  Magnetoresistance  
Preparation and laboratory evaluation of novel scale inhibitor nanofluids as delivery vehicles for oilfield mineral scale control Presentation
会议地点: 256th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA, USA, 报告日期: 2018-08-22
Authors:  Zhang, P.;  Huang, S.;  Li, Z.;  Kan, A.;  Tomson, T.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/13