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Towards a New Paradigm of Economics Presentation
报告日期: 2020-10-15
Authors:  Sio, S;  Jieqi, J;  Noronha, C.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/07/15
Reporting on employee compensation and benefits and stakeholders’ perceptions: Evidence from hospitality and gaming industry in Macao Conference paper
Jieqi, J., Hou In, S., Noronha, C., Ruopiao, S.. Reporting on employee compensation and benefits and stakeholders’ perceptions: Evidence from hospitality and gaming industry in Macao[C], 2017.
Authors:  Jieqi, J.;  Hou In, S.;  Noronha, C.;  Ruopiao, S.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/07/26
CSR  Macao  gaming  hospitality  employee compensation  
The relationship among corporate social responsibility, tax aggressiveness and firm Value in China Conference paper
Noronha, C., Zhihong, Z., Jieqi, J., So, M. S.. The relationship among corporate social responsibility, tax aggressiveness and firm Value in China[C], 2017.
Authors:  Noronha, C.;  Zhihong, Z.;  Jieqi, J.;  So, M. S.
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CSR  China  tax aggressiveness  
An Emerging Actor of Integrated Reporting in the Utilities Industry: A Case Study Deploying the Actor-network Theory Conference paper
Noronha, C., Jieqi, J., Yayu, Y.. An Emerging Actor of Integrated Reporting in the Utilities Industry: A Case Study Deploying the Actor-network Theory[C], 2016.
Authors:  Noronha, C.;  Jieqi, J.;  Yayu, Y.
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integrated reporting  CSR reporting  actor-network theory