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Multicolor Fluorescent Semiconducting Polymer Dots with Narrow-band Emissions and High Brightness Journal article
Rong, Y., WU, C., Yu, J., Zhang, X., Ye, F., Zeigler, M., Gallina, M., Wu, I., Zhang, Y., Chan, Y., Sun, W., Uvdal, K., Chiu, D.. Multicolor Fluorescent Semiconducting Polymer Dots with Narrow-band Emissions and High Brightness[J]. ACS Nano, 2013, 376-384.
Authors:  Rong, Y.;  WU, C.;  Yu, J.;  Zhang, X.;  Ye, F.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:181 TC[Scopus]:189  IF:15.8/16.2 | Submit date:2022/07/27
Polymer Dots  Fluorescence  Semiconducting Polymer  Bioimaging  Narrow Emission  
Stable Functionalization of Small Semiconducting Polymer Dots via Covalent Cross-linking and Application for Specific Cellular Imaging Journal article
Yu, J., Wu, C., Zhang, X., Ye, F., Gallina, M., Rong, Y., Sun, W., Chan, Y., Chiu, D.. Stable Functionalization of Small Semiconducting Polymer Dots via Covalent Cross-linking and Application for Specific Cellular Imaging[J]. Advanced Materials, 2012, 3498-3504.
Authors:  Yu, J.;  Wu, C.;  Zhang, X.;  Ye, F.;  Gallina, M.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:109 TC[Scopus]:112 | Submit date:2022/07/27
Semiconducting Polymer Dots  Cross-linking  Specifi c Cellular Imaging