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Does the market differentiate between investor-paid and issuer-paid ratings in the pricing of asset-backed securities? Journal article
Liu, Xiaojian, Chong, Beng Soon, Feng, Xiaozhi. Does the market differentiate between investor-paid and issuer-paid ratings in the pricing of asset-backed securities?[J]. Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 2023, 79, 102027.
Authors:  Liu, Xiaojian;  Chong, Beng Soon;  Feng, Xiaozhi
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:4.8/4.4 | Submit date:2023/07/20
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Push and Pull: The Impact of Incubator Performance on Regional SMEs’ Competitiveness Evidence from China Conference paper
FENG, Xiaozhi, LIAN, Zhaotong, LI, Jin, Jimmy Lee Chi Ming. Push and Pull: The Impact of Incubator Performance on Regional SMEs’ Competitiveness Evidence from China[C], 2023.
Authors:  FENG, Xiaozhi;  LIAN, Zhaotong;  LI, Jin;  Jimmy Lee Chi Ming
Favorite |  | Submit date:2023/08/28