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All-in-one flexible asymmetric supercapacitor with high mechanical durability achieved by controllable interfacial molecular level entanglement Journal article
Jiang, Zeyu, Zhang, Ping, Zhang, Qiying, Lin, Zhiyin, Wu, Zhaoye, Hu, Xi, Feng, Weiqian, Tian, Liyong, Wu, Yancheng, Zhang, Yangfan, Yi, Ningbo, Chen, Yongsheng, Zhang, Nan. All-in-one flexible asymmetric supercapacitor with high mechanical durability achieved by controllable interfacial molecular level entanglement[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2024, 623.
Authors:  Jiang, Zeyu;  Zhang, Ping;  Zhang, Qiying;  Lin, Zhiyin;  Wu, Zhaoye; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:8.1/8.3 | Submit date:2024/10/10
All-in-one  Flexible Supercapacitor  Interfacial Molecular Entanglement  Interfacial Structure  Mechanical Durability  
Optimizing job scheduling by using broad learning to predict execution times on HPC clusters Journal article
Hou, Zhengxiong, Shen, Hong, Feng, Qiying, Lv, Zhiqi, Jin, Junwei, Zhou, Xingshe, Gu, Jianhua. Optimizing job scheduling by using broad learning to predict execution times on HPC clusters[J]. CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing, 2024, 6(4), 365-377.
Authors:  Hou, Zhengxiong;  Shen, Hong;  Feng, Qiying;  Lv, Zhiqi;  Jin, Junwei; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:1.3/1.1 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Parallel Systems  Hpc Clusters  Job Scheduling  Runtime Prediction  Broad Learning  
Noise Robust Face Hallucination Based on Smooth Correntropy Representation Journal article
Licheng Liu, Qiying Feng, C. L. Philip Chen, Yaonan Wang. Noise Robust Face Hallucination Based on Smooth Correntropy Representation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022, 33(10), 5953-5965.
Authors:  Licheng Liu;  Qiying Feng;  C. L. Philip Chen;  Yaonan Wang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:10 TC[Scopus]:13  IF:10.2/10.4 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Correntropy-induced Metric (Cim)  Faces  Fused Lasso Penalty  Image Reconstruction  Manifolds  Noise Measurement  Noise Robustness  Smooth Representation  Sparse Regression.  Superresolution  Training  
Broad and deep neural network for high-dimensional data representation learning Journal article
Feng, Qiying, Liu, Zhulin, Chen, C. L.Philip. Broad and deep neural network for high-dimensional data representation learning[J]. Information Sciences, 2022, 599, 127-146.
Authors:  Feng, Qiying;  Liu, Zhulin;  Chen, C. L.Philip
Favorite | TC[WOS]:15 TC[Scopus]:15  IF:0/0 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Broad And Deep Architecture  Broading Learning System  High-dimensional Data  Representation Learning  
Deep Fuzzy Clustering-A Representation Learning Approach Journal article
Feng,Qiying, Chen,Long, Philip Chen,C. L., Guo,Li. Deep Fuzzy Clustering-A Representation Learning Approach[J]. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2020, 28(7), 1420-1433.
Authors:  Feng,Qiying;  Chen,Long;  Philip Chen,C. L.;  Guo,Li
Favorite | TC[WOS]:79 TC[Scopus]:95  IF:10.7/9.7 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Deep Learning  Discriminative Graph  Fuzzy C-means (Fcm)  Fuzzy Compactness And Separation (Fcs)  Pseudolabel  
Broad Graph-Based Non-Negative Robust Continuous Clustering Journal article
Feng,Qiying, Chen,C. L.Philip, Chen,Long, Feng,Qiying, Chen,C. L.Philip, Chen,Long. Broad Graph-Based Non-Negative Robust Continuous Clustering[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8, 121693-121704.
Authors:  Feng,Qiying;  Chen,C. L.Philip;  Chen,Long;  Feng,Qiying;  Chen,C. L.Philip; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:5  IF:3.4/3.7 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Broad Learning System  Non-negative Matrix Factorization  Representation Learning  Robust Continuous Clustering  
Hyper-parameter Analysis of the Improved Deep Embedding Clustering Model Conference paper
Feng,Qiying, Chen,C. L.Philip, Zhou,Jin. Hyper-parameter Analysis of the Improved Deep Embedding Clustering Model[C], 2018, 57-60.
Authors:  Feng,Qiying;  Chen,C. L.Philip;  Zhou,Jin
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Auto-encoder  Deep Learning  high-dimension real-world clustering  student-t distribution