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The physiscs of mobile wireless communication explained through an electromagnetic macro model Conference paper
Sarkar T.K., Dyab W.M., Abdallah M.N., Salazar-Palma M., Prasad M.V.S.N., Ting S.W.. The physiscs of mobile wireless communication explained through an electromagnetic macro model[C], 2014, 842-844.
Authors:  Sarkar T.K.;  Dyab W.M.;  Abdallah M.N.;  Salazar-Palma M.;  Prasad M.V.S.N.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2019/03/01
Application of the schelkunoff formulation to the sommerfeld problem of a vertical electric dipole radiating over an imperfect ground Journal article
Sarkar T.K., Dyab W.M., Abdallah M.N., Salazar-Palma M., Prasad M.V.S.N., Ting S.-W.. Application of the schelkunoff formulation to the sommerfeld problem of a vertical electric dipole radiating over an imperfect ground[J]. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2014, 62(8), 4162-4170.
Authors:  Sarkar T.K.;  Dyab W.M.;  Abdallah M.N.;  Salazar-Palma M.;  Prasad M.V.S.N.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:15 | Submit date:2019/03/01
Integral Equation Solvers  Macro Modeling  Propagation  Propagation Path Loss  Schelkunoff Integrals  Sommerfeld Integrals  Surface Wave  Zenneck Wave