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Barriers and facilitators of interventions for improving antiretroviral therapy adherence: a systematic review of global qualitative evidence Journal article
Ma, QY, Tso, LS, Rich, ZC, Hall, BJ, Beanland, R, Li, HC, Lackey, M, Hu, FY, Cai, WP, Doherty, M, Tucker, JD. Barriers and facilitators of interventions for improving antiretroviral therapy adherence: a systematic review of global qualitative evidence[J]. JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY, 2016, 19.
Authors:  Ma, QY;  Tso, LS;  Rich, ZC;  Hall, BJ;  Beanland, R; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:40 TC[Scopus]:40  IF:4.6/4.7 | Submit date:2019/08/05
Art Adherence  Intervention  Qualitative Research  Systematic Review  Health Policy