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Markers of glycemic control in the mouse: Comparisons of 6-h-and overnight-fasted blood glucoses to Hb A1c Journal article
Han B.G., Hao C.-M., Tchekneva E.E., Wang Y.-Y., Chieh A.L., Ebrahim B., Harris R.C., Kern T.S., Wasserman D.H., Breyer M.D., Qi Z.. Markers of glycemic control in the mouse: Comparisons of 6-h-and overnight-fasted blood glucoses to Hb A1c[J]. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2008, 295(4).
Authors:  Han B.G.;  Hao C.-M.;  Tchekneva E.E.;  Wang Y.-Y.;  Chieh A.L.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:57 TC[Scopus]:62 | Submit date:2019/01/16
Glycosylated Hemoglobin  Methodology  Mice