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Comparative study on beryllium and magnesium as a co-doping element for ZnO:N Journal article
Yu-Quan Su(苏宇泉), Ming-Ming Chen(陈明明), Long-Xing Su(苏龙兴), Yuan Zhu(祝渊), Zi-Kang Tang(汤子康). Comparative study on beryllium and magnesium as a co-doping element for ZnO:N[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2016, 25(6).
Authors:  Yu-Quan Su(苏宇泉);  Ming-Ming Chen(陈明明);  Long-Xing Su(苏龙兴);  Yuan Zhu(祝渊);  Zi-Kang Tang(汤子康)
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:6 | Submit date:2019/04/08
Defects And Impurities  Iii-v And Ii-vi Semiconductors  Photoluminescence  Properties And Materials  X-ray Photoelectron