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A Low-profile Wideband Dielectric Resonant Antenna under Multi-resonant Modes Conference paper
Tian-Kun Sun, Neng-Wu Liu, Lei Zhu, Guang Fu. A Low-profile Wideband Dielectric Resonant Antenna under Multi-resonant Modes[C], 2022, 348-352.
Authors:  Tian-Kun Sun;  Neng-Wu Liu;  Lei Zhu;  Guang Fu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2022/08/05
Compact microstrip diplexer for 4G wireless communication Conference paper
Yang, Fangqi, Guan, Xuehui, Zhu, Lei, Liu, Haiwen. Compact microstrip diplexer for 4G wireless communication[C], 2014, 599-602.
Authors:  Yang, Fangqi;  Guan, Xuehui;  Zhu, Lei;  Liu, Haiwen
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:8 | Submit date:2019/02/12
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Design of wideband non-equiripple filtering response using genetic algorithm based neural network Conference paper
Cui, Shiqing, Sun, Sheng, Gao, Shan Shan, Zhu, Lei. Design of wideband non-equiripple filtering response using genetic algorithm based neural network[C], 2014, 1364-1368.
Authors:  Cui, Shiqing;  Sun, Sheng;  Gao, Shan Shan;  Zhu, Lei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2019/02/12