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Perron Vector Analysis For Irreducible Nonnegative Tensors And Its Applications Journal article
Li, Wen, Liu, Wei Hui, Vong, Seak Weng. Perron Vector Analysis For Irreducible Nonnegative Tensors And Its Applications[J]. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2021, 17(1), 29-50.
Authors:  Li, Wen;  Liu, Wei Hui;  Vong, Seak Weng
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:1.2/1.2 | Submit date:2021/12/07
Bound  Irreducibility  Nonnegative Tensor  Perron Vector  Spectral Radius  
Optimal Rebate Strategies in a Two-echelon Supply Chain with Nonlinear and Linear Multiplicative Demands Journal article
Jianbin Li, Niu Yu, Zhixue Liu, Lianjie Shu. Optimal Rebate Strategies in a Two-echelon Supply Chain with Nonlinear and Linear Multiplicative Demands[J]. Journal of industrial and management optimization, 2016, 12(4), 1587-1611.
Authors:  Jianbin Li;  Niu Yu;  Zhixue Liu;  Lianjie Shu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:1.2/1.2 | Submit date:2019/12/02
Supply Chain  Rebate  Newsvendor Model  Nash Game  Equilibrium