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"The Destruction of a Common Foe": The Expedition Against Shap-ng-tsai and the International Dimensions of Suppressing Chinese Pirecy Journal article
KWAN CHING-YIN NATHAN. "The Destruction of a Common Foe": The Expedition Against Shap-ng-tsai and the International Dimensions of Suppressing Chinese Pirecy[J]. Journal of World History, 2023, 34(2), 217-239.
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Piracy  Sino-british Relations  Royal Navy  Vietnam  International Law  
Mt. Tambora, Climatic Changes, and China's Decline in the Nineteenth Century Journal article
SHUJI CAO, YUYANG LI, BIN YANG. Mt. Tambora, Climatic Changes, and China's Decline in the Nineteenth Century[J]. Journal of World History, 2012, 23(3), 587-607.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:14 TC[Scopus]:13  IF:0.7/1.3 | Submit date:2019/11/12
Review of Buddhism and Islam on the Silk Road Journal article
YANG BIN. Review of Buddhism and Islam on the Silk Road[J]. Journal of World History, 2011, 22(4), 825-828.
Authors:  YANG BIN
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2   IF:0.7/1.3 | Submit date:2019/11/12
Horses, Silver, Cowries: Yunnan in a Global Perspective Journal article
BIN YANG. Horses, Silver, Cowries: Yunnan in a Global Perspective[J]. JOURNAL OF WORLD HISTORY, 2004, 15(3), 281-322.
Authors:  BIN YANG
Favorite | TC[WOS]:84 TC[Scopus]:109  IF:0.7/1.3 | Submit date:2019/11/12