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Fostering employee knowledge sharing: The role of servant leadership, team-member exchange, and perceived supervisor support Conference paper
Loi, C. H., Liu, Y., Lam, L. W., Xu, A. J.. Fostering employee knowledge sharing: The role of servant leadership, team-member exchange, and perceived supervisor support[C], 2014.
Authors:  Loi, C. H.;  Liu, Y.;  Lam, L. W.;  Xu, A. J.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/04
Servant Leadership  Team-member Exchange  Knowledge Sharing  Perceived Supervisor Support  Social Exchange  
Managers’ role stressors and abusive supervision: Cognitive path through moral disengagement and affective path through negative emotions Conference paper
Xu, A. J., Loi, R.. Managers’ role stressors and abusive supervision: Cognitive path through moral disengagement and affective path through negative emotions[C], 2014.
Authors:  Xu, A. J.;  Loi, R.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/27
Abusive supervision  role stressors  moral disengagement  moral identity  anger  anxiety  emotional intelligence  
Innovative Search and Geographic Reach: The Influence of FDI on Catch-up Strategies of Local Firms in Emerging Markets Conference paper
Jun Xia, Jie Wu, Shuaihe Zhuo. Innovative Search and Geographic Reach: The Influence of FDI on Catch-up Strategies of Local Firms in Emerging Markets[C], 2014.
Authors:  Jun Xia;  Jie Wu;  Shuaihe Zhuo
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/11/25