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Automated Analytical Method To Determine Solution Alkalinity of Oilfield Brine in the Presence of Weak Organic Acids Journal article
Zhang,Ping, Huang,Siyuan, Zhang,Nan, Kan,Amy T., Tomson,Mason B.. Automated Analytical Method To Determine Solution Alkalinity of Oilfield Brine in the Presence of Weak Organic Acids[J]. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(11), 4667-4673.
Authors:  Zhang,Ping;  Huang,Siyuan;  Zhang,Nan;  Kan,Amy T.;  Tomson,Mason B.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:3.8/3.8 | Submit date:2019/05/21
Robust optimal design with consideration of robust eigenvalue assignment Journal article
Lu X.J., Li H.-X., Chen C.L.P.. Robust optimal design with consideration of robust eigenvalue assignment[J]. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2010, 49(7), 3306-3315.
Authors:  Lu X.J.;  Li H.-X.;  Chen C.L.P.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:8 | Submit date:2019/02/11