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Electrical and mechanical properties of carbon aerogels / phenolic resin for nanoomposites Conference paper
Chen W.-J., Shen M.-Y., Li Y.-L., Chiang C.-L., Yip M.-C., Ma C.-C.M.. Electrical and mechanical properties of carbon aerogels / phenolic resin for nanoomposites[C], 2015.
Authors:  Chen W.-J.;  Shen M.-Y.;  Li Y.-L.;  Chiang C.-L.;  Yip M.-C.; et al.
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Carbon aerogels  Environmental effects  Mechanical properties  
Synthesis of MCM-41 from coal fly ash Conference paper
Hui K.N., Lee J.Y., Xia Q.X., Hui K.S.. Synthesis of MCM-41 from coal fly ash[C], 2011.
Authors:  Hui K.N.;  Lee J.Y.;  Xia Q.X.;  Hui K.S.
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Adsorbent  Coal fly ash  Green  MCM-41  Recycling  
Study on the electrical and thermal properties of carbon/carbon composite for fuel cell bipolar plate Conference paper
Chen W.-J., Tseng S.-H., Li Y.-L., Yip M.-C.. Study on the electrical and thermal properties of carbon/carbon composite for fuel cell bipolar plate[C], 2009.
Authors:  Chen W.-J.;  Tseng S.-H.;  Li Y.-L.;  Yip M.-C.
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Bulk Molding Compound (BMC)  Electrical Conductivity  Fuel Cell Bipolar Plate  Molybdenum Hexacrbonyl Precursor  Thermal conductivity