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Preliminary Study on Multi-hazards Modelling in an Urban Environment under Extreme Storms Conference paper
Gao L., Zhang L., Fei K.. Preliminary Study on Multi-hazards Modelling in an Urban Environment under Extreme Storms[C]:American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2021, 51 - 57.
Authors:  Gao L.;  Zhang L.;  Fei K.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2022/07/27
Multi-hazards  Modelling  Urban Environment  Extreme Storm  
Group effect on soil arching in geogrid-reinforced pile-supported embankments Journal article
Wan-Huan Zhou, Jun-Yuan Lao, Yisheng Huang, Renpeng Chen. Group effect on soil arching in geogrid-reinforced pile-supported embankments[J]. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 2017, 5(2), 130-134.
Authors:  Wan-Huan Zhou;  Jun-Yuan Lao;  Yisheng Huang;  Renpeng Chen
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2019/04/09
Soil Arching  Group Effect  Pile-supported Embankment  Geogrid-reinforcement  Finite Element Modeling  
Variation of shear wave velocity of Macao marine clay during secondary consolidation Conference paper
Thomas M.H. Lok, Xuantao Shi, Shengshen Wu. Variation of shear wave velocity of Macao marine clay during secondary consolidation[C], 2016, 587-590.
Authors:  Thomas M.H. Lok;  Xuantao Shi;  Shengshen Wu
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:3 | Submit date:2019/06/06
Shear Wave Velocity  Marine Clay  Bender Element  Oedometer  Secondary Consolidation  
DEM analysis of ultimate lateral resistance to rigid short piles in sand Conference paper
Yidong Xie, Thomas M.H. Lok. DEM analysis of ultimate lateral resistance to rigid short piles in sand[C], 2016, 639-642.
Authors:  Yidong Xie;  Thomas M.H. Lok
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2019/06/06
Dem  Ultimate Lateral Resistanc  Rigid Short Pile  Sand  
Shear strength of unsaturated completely decomposed granite soil under different stress state conditions Conference paper
Zhou, W. H., Xu, X.. Shear strength of unsaturated completely decomposed granite soil under different stress state conditions[C], Tokyo:The Japanese Geotechnical Society, 2016, 230-235.
Authors:  Zhou, W. H.;  Xu, X.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/20
unsaturated soil  shear strength  matric suction  net normal stress  soil-water characteristic curve  direct shear test  
DEM analysis of ultimate lateral resistance to rigid short piles in sand Journal article
Yidong Xie, Thomas M.H. Lok. DEM analysis of ultimate lateral resistance to rigid short piles in sand[J]. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 2016, 2(17), 639-642.
Authors:  Yidong Xie;  Thomas M.H. Lok
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2019/06/10
Dem  Ultimate Lateral Resistance  Rigid Short Pile  Sand  
Shear strength of unsaturated completely decomposed granite soil under different stress state conditions Journal article
Zhou Wanhuan, Xu Xu. Shear strength of unsaturated completely decomposed granite soil under different stress state conditions[J]. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 2015, 2(4), 230-235.
Authors:  Zhou Wanhuan;  Xu Xu
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:6 | Submit date:2018/12/21
Direct Shear Test  Matric Suction  Net Normal Stress  Shear Strength  Soil-water Characteristic Curve  Unsaturated Soil  
Consolidation of a two-layer system for unsaturated soil with the differential quadrature method Conference paper
Zhou Wanhuan, Zhao Linshuang. Consolidation of a two-layer system for unsaturated soil with the differential quadrature method[C], 2014, 3994-4003.
Authors:  Zhou Wanhuan;  Zhao Linshuang
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:3 | Submit date:2018/12/21
Analytical study for geosynthetic reinforced embankment on elastic foundation Conference paper
Zhou W.-H., Zhao L.-S., Li X.-B.. Analytical study for geosynthetic reinforced embankment on elastic foundation[C], 2014, 444-451.
Authors:  Zhou W.-H.;  Zhao L.-S.;  Li X.-B.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:5 | Submit date:2018/12/21
Laboratory study on the mechanical behavior of tire chip-sand mixture Conference paper
Lok, Thomas M. H., Yu, H.J.. Laboratory study on the mechanical behavior of tire chip-sand mixture[C]. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2006, 157-164.
Authors:  Lok, Thomas M. H.;  Yu, H.J.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:5 | Submit date:2018/11/06