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Turning the tables Mitigating effects of proactive personality on the relationships between work-to-family conflict and work- and nonwork-related outcomes Journal article
Victor P. Lau, Yin Yee Wong, Cheris W.C. Chow. Turning the tables Mitigating effects of proactive personality on the relationships between work-to-family conflict and work- and nonwork-related outcomes[J]. Career Development International, 2013, 18(5), 503-520.
Authors:  Victor P. Lau;  Yin Yee Wong;  Cheris W.C. Chow
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:12  IF:3.4/4.4 | Submit date:2019/11/01
Proactive Personality  Work-family Facilitation  Work-family Reallocation  Work-to-family Conflict  Proactive Coping Theory  Work-family Conflict  
Turning the Tables: Mitigating Effects of Proactive Personality on the Relationships between Work-to-Family Conflict and Work- and Nonwork-Related Outcomes Journal article
Lau, Victor P., Wong, Y. Y., Chow, W. C.. Turning the Tables: Mitigating Effects of Proactive Personality on the Relationships between Work-to-Family Conflict and Work- and Nonwork-Related Outcomes[J]. Career Development International, 2013, 503-520.
Authors:  Lau, Victor P.;  Wong, Y. Y.;  Chow, W. C.
Favorite |   IF:3.4/4.4 | Submit date:2022/08/21
Role conflict  Career satisfaction  Personality  Social networks  Stress  Self development