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Vascular endothelial growth factor gene transfer therapy for coronary artery disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal article
Yuan, Rong, Xin, Qiqi, Shi, Weili, Liu, Wei, Lee, Simon-M., Hoi, Puiman, Li, Lin, Zhao, Jun, Cong, Weihong, Chen, Keji. Vascular endothelial growth factor gene transfer therapy for coronary artery disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPEUTICS, 2018, 36(5).
Authors:  Yuan, Rong;  Xin, Qiqi;  Shi, Weili;  Liu, Wei;  Lee, Simon-M.; et al.
View | Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:10 TC[Scopus]:12  IF:3.4/3.2 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Angina Pectoris  Angiogenesis Inducing Agents  Coronary Artery Disease  Genetic Therapy  Myocardial Ischemia  Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor  
Adiponectin, an Unlocking Adipocytokine Journal article
Sun, YY, Xun, KL, Wang, CG, Zhao, HY, Bi, HC, Chen, XP, Wang, YT. Adiponectin, an Unlocking Adipocytokine[J]. CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPEUTICS, 2009, 27(1), 59-75.
Authors:  Sun, YY;  Xun, KL;  Wang, CG;  Zhao, HY;  Bi, HC; et al.
View | Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:72 TC[Scopus]:77  IF:3.4/3.2 | Submit date:2018/11/01
Adiponecitn  Biomarker  Drug Target  Exercise  Gender Difference  Inflammation