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Photocatalysis over MXene-based hybrids: Synthesis, surface chemistry, and interfacial charge kinetics Journal article
Peng, Chao, Zhou, Tao, Wei, Ping, Xu, Wenkang, Pan, Hui, Peng, Feng, Jia, Jianbo, Zhang, Kun, Yu, Hao. Photocatalysis over MXene-based hybrids: Synthesis, surface chemistry, and interfacial charge kinetics[J]. APL Materials, 2021, 9, 070703.
Authors:  Peng, Chao;  Zhou, Tao;  Wei, Ping;  Xu, Wenkang;  Pan, Hui; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:27 TC[Scopus]:29  IF:5.3/5.5 | Submit date:2021/09/10
Enzyme-mimic activity study of superstable and ultrasmall graphene encapsuled CoRu nanocrystal Journal article
Keoingthong, Phouphien, Li, Shengkai, Zhu, Zhaotian, Zhang, Liang, Xu, Jieqiong, Chen, Long, Tan, Weihong, Chen, Zhuo. Enzyme-mimic activity study of superstable and ultrasmall graphene encapsuled CoRu nanocrystal[J]. APL Materials, 2021, 9(5), 051110.
Authors:  Keoingthong, Phouphien;  Li, Shengkai;  Zhu, Zhaotian;  Zhang, Liang;  Xu, Jieqiong; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:5.3/5.5 | Submit date:2021/12/07