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Monte Carlo Simulation Reveals Reliable Molecular Formula Annotation of Metabolomic Data Obtained by Accurate Mass Spectrometry Conference paper
LAM, M. M. T., Zhang, P., Poon, C. W.. Monte Carlo Simulation Reveals Reliable Molecular Formula Annotation of Metabolomic Data Obtained by Accurate Mass Spectrometry[C], 2016.
Authors:  LAM, M. M. T.;  Zhang, P.;  Poon, C. W.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/31
Metabolomics  Metabolite  Mass Spectrometry  Annotation  
Fragmentation Analysis of Amino acids by High Resolution Tandem MS and High Energy Collision Dissociation Conference paper
Zhang, P., Chan, S. W. , Ang, I. L. , Wei, R., Lam, M. M. T., Poon, C. W.. Fragmentation Analysis of Amino acids by High Resolution Tandem MS and High Energy Collision Dissociation[C], 2016.
Authors:  Zhang, P.;  Chan, S. W. ;  Ang, I. L. ;  Wei, R.;  Lam, M. M. T.; et al.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/31
amino acids  fragmentation  high resolution tandem mass spectrometry  high energy collision dissociation