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UM 291 FDCT 104 深圳市科技創新委員會 10
廣東省基礎與應用基礎研究委員會 7 NSFC 6 University of Macau 6
五邑大学 6 GDSTC 5 Otherss 5
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 5 Dr. Stanley Ho Medical Development Foundation 3 Higher Education Fund 2
Macao Higher Education Institutions of Tertiary Education Services Office of Government of Macau 2 "The Association for Promotion of Science and Technology of Macau 澳門科學技術協進會 (MAPST)" and "The Office of China National Postdoctoral Council 國家人力資源和社會保障部全國博士後管委會辦公室 (CNPC )" 1 Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management 1
Beijing Forest Green Supply Chain Management Development Center 1 Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province 1 Higher Education Fund of the Macao SAR Government 1
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority 1 MOST 1