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Global Health Governance and Traditional Chinese Medicine: One Cure, Many Medicines
Neuwirth, R.J.
Source PublicationLaw and Medicine
AbstractTraditional medicines are often associated with different kinds of Eastern traditional medicines, such as notably Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM), which, in turn, are usually contrasted with Western conventional medicines. This is also the case in the global health governance (GHG) framework presently in place, which is considered to be widely fragmented and lacks efficient levels of coordination and notably a coherent strategy for healthcare at the global level. Even the World Health Organization (WHO), for that matter, pursues separate strategies not only for various diseases posing threats to public health around the world but also for conventional medicines, on the one hand, and traditional medicines, on the other. However, with the rise of China as a global economic player, its traditional medicine has also gained greater global recognition. Equally, the decision by the Nobel Foundation to award the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine to Chinese medical researcher Dr. TU can be regarded as a wider public and perhaps scientific recognition of the potential positive synergies between traditional and conventional medicines. Therefore, the present paper inquires first into the causes for the distinct classification of medicines into traditional and conventional or Eastern and Western ones. Second, it critically analyses the overall scientific paradigm related to health which is based on many dichotomies and an exclusive logic. Finally, aims to outline the potential of achieving greater policy coherence and legal consistency in the area of global public health governance based on a combined approach to traditional and conventional medicines.
KeywordGlobal Health Governance Traditional Chinese Medicine
The Source to ArticlePB_Publication
PUB ID35872
Document TypeJournal article
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Neuwirth, R.J.. Global Health Governance and Traditional Chinese Medicine: One Cure, Many Medicines[J]. Law and Medicine, 2017, 310-310.
APA Neuwirth, R.J..(2017). Global Health Governance and Traditional Chinese Medicine: One Cure, Many Medicines. Law and Medicine, 310-310.
MLA Neuwirth, R.J.."Global Health Governance and Traditional Chinese Medicine: One Cure, Many Medicines".Law and Medicine (2017):310-310.
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