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Thallium poisoning and emergency care: Research advances
Wang Y.2; He Y.-Z.1
Source PublicationJournal of International Pharmaceutical Research
AbstractAs a result of a series of thallium poisoning events, the rare element thallium has attracted wide attention. For nearly a decade, the mechanisms of thallium poisoning and treatment measures have become hot research topics. Preliminary results showed that thallium was absorbed by gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and skin, then distributed in the body widely. The thalium concentration in kidneys was the highest, folowed by salivary glands. Thallium ions can replace potassium ion in body and influence the activity of several enzymes. Moreover, thallium can antagonize calcium ions and affect heart function. Clinically, thallium induces peripheral nerve poisoning, gastrointestinal symptoms, mucosal inflammation, hair loss and visual damage. Examination of 24-hour urine thallium concentration is the most accurate way to assess thallium poisoning. If urine thallium concentration is higher than 5 μg/L, it is of diagnostic significance. The clinical treatment measures include reducing the absorption, accelerating elimination and practicing symptomatic treatment. Hemoperfusion has been reported to be effective in eliminating absorbed thallium.
KeywordEmergency care Neurotoxicity Peripheral neuropathy Thallium poisoning
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Document TypeJournal article
CollectionUniversity of Macau
Affiliation1.307 Hospital of PIA
2.Capital Medical University China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Wang Y.,He Y.-Z.. Thallium poisoning and emergency care: Research advances[J]. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research, 2010, 37(2), 118-121.
APA Wang Y.., & He Y.-Z. (2010). Thallium poisoning and emergency care: Research advances. Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research, 37(2), 118-121.
MLA Wang Y.,et al."Thallium poisoning and emergency care: Research advances".Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research 37.2(2010):118-121.
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