Residential Collegefalse
Patent NumberUS8996928B2
Status已授權 Granted
Devices for indicating a physical layer error
Year Issued2015
Application NumberUS13613512
Application Date2012-09-13
Wong, Mong Chit; Baker, Stephen Thomas; Tham, Kim Hock; Gao, Xuanning; Rahman, Mohammad
Date Available2015-03-31
CountryUnited States
Subtype发明专利 Invention

A computing device for indicating a physical layer error is described. The computing device includes a processor and instructions stored in memory that is in electronic communication with the processor. The computing device generates a command for a testing device. The command includes a directive to capture at least one physical layer signal corresponding to a communications interface between a first electronic device and a second electronic device. The computing device also obtains data representing the at least one physical layer signal. The computing device additionally stores the data in a storage device to obtain stored data. The stored data indicates any physical layer error.

Open (Notice) NumberUS8996928B2
IPC Classification NumberG06f11/00 ; G06f11/07 ; G06f11/22
CPC Classification NumberG06f11/079 ; G06f11/2268
Patent AgentDana M. Gordon
AgencyDana M. Gordon ; Foley Hoag LLP
Document TypePatent
CollectionUniversity of Macau
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Wong, Mong Chit,Baker, Stephen Thomas,Tham, Kim Hock,et al. Devices for indicating a physical layer error. US8996928B2[P]. 2015-03-31.
APA Wong, Mong Chit., Baker, Stephen Thomas., Tham, Kim Hock., Gao, Xuanning., & Rahman, Mohammad (2012-09-13). Devices for indicating a physical layer error.
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