Patent NumberUS11000225B2
Status已授權 Granted
Integrated circuit for simultaneous electrophysiology recording and optogenetic neural control
Application NumberUS16024217
Application Date2018-06-29
Rights HolderUniversity of Macau | UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO ( THE REGENTS OF)
Lei, Tim; Klug, Achim; Pun, Sio Hang; Chen, Changhao; Vai, Mang I.; Mak, Peng Un; McCullagh, Elizabeth
Date Available2021-05-11
CountryUnited States
AbstractVarious embodiments of the present technology generally relate to a single monolithic IC to perform simultaneous optogenetic neural inhibition and extracellular electrophysiological recording in-vivo. Some embodiments include a low input capacitance (e.g., 9.7 pF) amplifier particularly tailored for the use of high-impedance electrodes to conduct single neuron extracellular recording integrated with programmable high current drivers for optogenetic stimulation or inhibition on the same IC chip. Some embodiments use a noise model to guide the IC design process to obtain parameters for optimal signal-to-noise ratio. The performance of the IC chip was demonstrated on an anesthetized gerbil expressed with inhibitory optogenetic protein (Halorhodopsin). Spontaneous action potentials from the fifth nerve of the brainstem were recorded by the amplifier and were subsequently inhibited by laser illumination. As a result, various embodiments of the IC allow neuroscience research and neural engineering applications to be conducted in an entirely new direction and can potentially be used in treatments for human mental diseases in the future.
Open (Notice) NumberUS11000225B2
IPC Classification NumberA61B5/00 ; A61N5/06
CPC Classification NumberA61B5/4836 ; A61B5/6868 ; A61B5/7246 ; A61N5/0622 ; A61N2005/0612 ; A61N2005/0626 ; A61B5/24 ; A61B5/04001
AgencyLadas & Parry LLP
Document TypePatent
CollectionUniversity of Macau
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Lei, Tim,Klug, Achim,Pun, Sio Hang,et al. Integrated circuit for simultaneous electrophysiology recording and optogenetic neural control. US11000225B2[P]. 2021-05-11.
APA Lei, Tim., Klug, Achim., Pun, Sio Hang., Chen, Changhao., Vai, Mang I.., Mak, Peng Un., & McCullagh, Elizabeth (2018-06-29). Integrated circuit for simultaneous electrophysiology recording and optogenetic neural control.
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