UM  > Faculty of Business Administration
Understanding tourists’ local food consumption value according to socio-demographics
Ja Young (jacey) Choe; Seongseop (sam) Kim
Conference NameThe Pan Asia International Tourism Conference (PAITOC)
Source Publication한국관광학회 국제학술발표대회집
Conference DateKorea
Conference PlaceJuly 4-6, 2019

There is increasing interest in food-related tourism and tourists’ local food perceptions. However, surprisingly, there is limited research about the relationships between tourists’ local food consumption value and their socio-demographics. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore if there is any differences of tourists’ local food consumption value according to their socio-demographic factors. Food consumption studies show that socio-demographics play significant roles in explaining consumers’ different food perceptions and behaviors. In the context of tourists’ local food consumption, only handful studies are found regarding socio-demographics. For examples, age was found to have an influence on tourists’ local food consumption (Tse & Crotts, 2005). Gender, age, and education were found to affect tourists’ local food consumption (Kim, Eves, & Scarles, 2009). In the current study, socio-demographic variables were gender, marital status, age, education status, national background, occupation and annual household income. Local food is defined as specialty food or regionally branded food that expresses a local identity in this study. Tourists’ local food consumption value is conceptualized as taste/quality value, health value, emotional value, social value, and epistemic value based on consumption value theory (Sheth, Newman, & Gross, 1991). Hong Kong was selected as study context since the city is known as culinary capital of Asia and provides a variety of local delicacies to international tourists. T-test and ANOVA using IMB SPSS Statistics 24 were conducted to explore any mean differences regarding tourists’ food consumption values according to their socio-demographics. It was found that married people appreciated health value of Hong Kong local food than singles. Less educated people considered the local food healthy. Western and Chinese group showed a high level of taste/quality value compared to other-Asian group. Married, older, less educated, other Asian, and Chinese group perceived a high level of prestige value. Interestingly, other Asian and Wester group had a high level of epistemic value. Theoretically, this study expands socio-demographic studies in the food tourism context. In addition, this study gives insights to Hong Kong Destination Marketing Organizations and food marketers to promote their local food.

KeywordConsumption Value Local Food Socio-demographics
URLView the original
Document TypeConference paper
CollectionFaculty of Business Administration
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Ja Young ,Seongseop . Understanding tourists’ local food consumption value according to socio-demographics[C], 2019, 257-258.
APA Ja Young ., & Seongseop (2019). Understanding tourists’ local food consumption value according to socio-demographics. 한국관광학회 국제학술발표대회집, 86(0), 257-258.
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