Behaviour of lightweight extruded concrete subjected to high temperatures
Zhou X.; Zongjin L.
Source PublicationRole of Cement Science in Sustainable Development - Proceedings of the International Symposium - Celebrating Concrete: People and Practice
AbstractLightweight concrete manufactured by extrusion technique has been investigated for resistance to high temperatures. The concrete contains a large amount of perlite and a small percentage of fibres. The samples, thin plates and cylinders, were subjected to different thermal treatment with maximal exposure temperatures T up to 600°C and exposure periods T from 1 hour to 10 hours. The residual mechanical properties, flexural strength f , compressive strength f and modulus of elasticity E, were measured and normalized to the values of those without thermal treatments. The microstructure of these composites was studied by SEM while the pore structure by MIP. It was found that f , f and E significantly decreased as T and T increased due to fibres melting and softening, cement hydrates degenerating and porosity increasing during thermal heating. f decreased more remarkably than f and E. The thin sheets reinforced by PVA fibres showed a more significant decrease in f than those reinforced by glass fibres, due to PVA fibres having much lower melting point. Besides, the composites, incorporating silica sand as aggregates, showed systematically more significant degeneration of mechanical properties than those using perlite as aggregates, which could be attributed to the greater specific heat, lower thermal conduction coefficient, and the better thermal insulation property of perlite.
KeywordExtrudate Fibre reinforced High temperatures Microstructure Perlite Porosity Residual mechanical properties Thermal insulation
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Document TypeConference paper
CollectionUniversity of Macau
AffiliationHong Kong University of Science and Technology
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Zhou X.,Zongjin L.. Behaviour of lightweight extruded concrete subjected to high temperatures[C], 2003, 499-508.
APA Zhou X.., & Zongjin L. (2003). Behaviour of lightweight extruded concrete subjected to high temperatures. Role of Cement Science in Sustainable Development - Proceedings of the International Symposium - Celebrating Concrete: People and Practice, 499-508.
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