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Synthesis and microstructural characterization of fully-reacted potassium-poly(sialate-Siloxo) geopolymeric cement matrix
Zhang Y.1; Sun W.3; Li Z.2
Source PublicationACI Materials Journal
AbstractIn this paper, a total of nine potassium-poly(sialate-siloxo) (K-PSS) geopolymeric cement matrixes, with different molar ratios of SiO/ AlO, KO/KO, and HO/KO, is designated to investigate the influence of the three ratios on mechanical properties and microstructure in accordance with the orthogonal design principle. The experimental results show that SiO /AlO has the most significant effect on compressive strength among the three ratios. The highest compressive strength (5.04 ksi [34.8MPa]) can be achieved when SiO/AlO = 4.5, KO/AlO = 0.8 and H O/KO = 5.0. Comparing the infrared (IR) spectra of nine K-PSS geopolymeric cement matrixes also indicates that the geopolymeric cement matrix with the highest strength is the most fully-reacted one and possesses the largest amount of geopolymeric products. Subsequently, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), environment-scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersion X-ray analysis (ESEM-EDXA), transmission electron microscopy-electron diffraction spectroscopy (TEM-EDS), and magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MAS-NMR) techniques are employed to further characterize the microstructure of the fully-reacted geopolymeric cement matrix. The microscopic analysis reveals that the fully-reacted K-PSS geopolymeric cement matrix possesses structural characteristics similar to glassy or gel substances in having a wide range of Si endowments, but predominantly the framework molecular chains of Si partially replaced by four-coordinated Al tetrahedral. A three-dimensional (3D) molecular structural model is also proposed based on the decomposition of MAS-NMR spectrum of the fully-reacted K-PSS geopolymeric cement matrix synthesized from the optimum mixture proportion. Copyright © 2008, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved.
KeywordMicrostructure Preparation Strength
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Document TypeJournal article
CollectionUniversity of Macau
Affiliation1.Southeast University
2.Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
3.Chinese Academic Engineering
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Zhang Y.,Sun W.,Li Z.. Synthesis and microstructural characterization of fully-reacted potassium-poly(sialate-Siloxo) geopolymeric cement matrix[J]. ACI Materials Journal, 2008, 105(2), 156-164.
APA Zhang Y.., Sun W.., & Li Z. (2008). Synthesis and microstructural characterization of fully-reacted potassium-poly(sialate-Siloxo) geopolymeric cement matrix. ACI Materials Journal, 105(2), 156-164.
MLA Zhang Y.,et al."Synthesis and microstructural characterization of fully-reacted potassium-poly(sialate-Siloxo) geopolymeric cement matrix".ACI Materials Journal 105.2(2008):156-164.
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