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Volume rendering for irregular grids with culling effectively occluded cells
Sun W.W.; Wu E.H.
Source PublicationJisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers
AbstractIn object-order volume rendering, it is possible that some image area become opaque when some cells are projected. Those cells whose projections are within opaque image area have no contribution to result image. In this paper, an algorithm for culling cells occluded is proposed to accelerate volume rendering for irregular data set. Irregular data set is rendered by incremental slicing. During rendering we use an average opacity buffer by averaging the opacity buffer with a box filter with the size, which equals to the maximum among the distances respectively corresponding to the maximal distance from the gravity of each cell to its vertices, the value of pixel in this average opacity buffer represents the average opacity of all pixels within a neighborhood of the dimensions with the size of box filter. Then, the visibility of each cell can be determined by indexing the value of the gravity projection of the cell in the average opacity buffer. If the value of the gravity projection of a cell in the average opacity buffer equals to 1.0, the cell is fully occluded, accordingly culled, or if partially occluded, accordingly projected. Thus, the amount of data needed to be processed can be reduced and volume rendering is accelerated.
KeywordCulling Irregular grids Occluded cell Volume rendering
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Document TypeJournal article
CollectionUniversity of Macau
AffiliationInstitute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Sun W.W.,Wu E.H.. Volume rendering for irregular grids with culling effectively occluded cells[J]. Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers, 2001, 24(3), 292-295.
APA Sun W.W.., & Wu E.H. (2001). Volume rendering for irregular grids with culling effectively occluded cells. Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers, 24(3), 292-295.
MLA Sun W.W.,et al."Volume rendering for irregular grids with culling effectively occluded cells".Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers 24.3(2001):292-295.
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